When it’s telling you you’re not good enough…
You wonder whether it might be true – whether you’ll ever amount to anything.
As fear and hopelessness take over…
Relationship issues cause you to worry that you’ll be alone forever.
Setbacks at work make you doubt that you’ll ever succeed in your career.
The sadness and gloom make getting out of bed a massive struggle.
When you feel unworthy and unlovable…
You lack confidence and have a nagging fear of failure.
A reluctance to fully embrace yourself makes you hesitant to speak up or seize new opportunities.
When you feel like you’re not good enough, you constantly try to please others.
But truly connecting with them is difficult, and the loneliness and isolation only worsen.
These are hallmarks of depression.
The pressure to have a perfect life…
We live in a culture that defines success by THINGS: big houses, nice cars, the latest beauty products, and the most popular social media accounts. We are constantly trying to fill the void inside of us with what is outside of us.
In recent decades, depression has been exacerbated by social media. These platforms have put so much pressure on us to portray the perfect relationship, family, and life. It’s like we’re all trying to one-up each other with every post.
Being realistic about our situation can be judged and frowned upon. After all, many people don’t want to be upfront about their relationship problems and mental health issues.
It’s little wonder many people in our society are unhappy.
It’s tempting to think you can work through depression alone.
This approach just isn’t realistic.
It’s all too easy to get caught in a cycle of repetitive behaviors that don’t serve you.
You might turn to coping habits that do more harm than good.
You might unwittingly hold onto false beliefs like you’re defective or unlovable.
Therapy for depression can help.
Deep down, you probably wish you had a safe space to talk about your fears and process your emotions without feeling shame.
This is what depression treatment offers.
You can look at yourself, be honest about what you want, and – most importantly – feel supported and encouraged on your journey.
We’ll explore all the factors – internal and external – that contribute to your depression and look to make adjustments in every area of your life.
Therapy can empower you to believe in yourself, break out of unhealthy thought patterns and beliefs, and give you the coping skills you need for a brighter future.
Here’s what to expect…
Therapy for depression involves a lot of active listening.
We will listen for distorted thought patterns and negative beliefs, helping you unpack them to identify their origins and how they came to affect you. The goal is to shift your mindset so that you no longer feel like you’re not good enough or unworthy of love.
In therapy, you’ll get an alternative perspective on how you think and feel, which can do much good. When you see what’s holding you back, you’ll get physical and emotional relief from the pressure.
Our practice draws from a wide variety of approaches. We often use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, a research-driven treatment method designed to help you reframe negative beliefs and see depression differently.
Sometimes, we practice Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which seeks to help you process any trauma contributing to your depression. EMDR uses gentle stimulation techniques to desensitize or neutralize the pain of traumatic memories.
Ultimately, we believe that having someone in your corner who can encourage and support you is life-changing.
You CAN break the chains of depression!
And we’re here to help.
We’re here to help you question the beliefs you’ve been holding and develop new perspectives and coping skills so you can be your best self. It’s about being a happier, freer version of you!
You’ve probably wanted to reach out for help but didn’t know where to begin. Well, you’re in the right place.
This is where it begins.
Call today, and let’s schedule your free consultation: (480) 908-7898.